Thursday, August 23, 2012

Starting is Easy, Keeping Up is a Challenge

Starting a blog is easy, but keeping it up is a challenge. Well, at least for me.

Hi! My name’s Yza and welcome to my humble space in the World Wide Web. See, I’ve already lost count of the many times I tried out blogging. I just can’t seem to continue on with it. Maybe it’s because I’m intimidated by the mere word, “blogging” or perhaps I fear about my thoughts/writing being judged by people. I don’t know. But recently though, I’ve realized that blogging isn’t about making your subject and verb agree (though it’s better if it will). It’s not about always needing something cool to write about. It’s not about writing about what people want to read. It’s simply about me. Just me. What I feel, what I think, what I believe in and what I eat...Hahaha! 

So, this is me attempting to blog again (and I’m hoping that this will be the last). I’m not a writer (nor a photographer) or anything like that so I apologize for future grammatical errors, amateur-ish photos and the like. However, I do promise to be real though.

I’ve had amazing experiences the past few years which I failed to document and I don’t want that to happen again. :( I want something to look back on years from now…something to remind me of both the good and the bad. Something to remind me of how I struggled and how I overcame.Something that will simply serve as a diary/”gage of my growth”.Hahaha!

This is blog will literally be my thoughts in writing so expect to read lots about food, faith and “fangirling”. I hope I’ll be able to will keep this up! I’m excited! :) 

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