Tuesday, July 22, 2014

There She Eats

My other blog:


For restaurant & cafe reviews, recipes, travel adventures, and random ramblings of a 20-something year old apronista ;)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

TRAVEL DIARIES: Singapore (Universal Studios and Songs of the Sea)

Last month, I, together with my mom's side of the family got to spend a weekend in Singapore. And since I was traveling with family (with my grandfather, aunts & uncles and all), I wasn't able to wander as much (which gives me more reason to go back), but overall, it was fun nevertheless :)

We went to tourist-sy places, places I wouldn't normally visit if I was traveling alone or with a friend. Not because I  don't want to, but mostly because maybe I wouldn't have the funds to do so. Hahaha! Plus, I'm also more drawn to quirky and off beat places over the usual tourist spots. ;)

Mom, me & and Mica
Giant lil bro and mom
The hotel where we stayed, Parkroyal on Beach Road
From Changi Airport, we went straight to the hotel to drop our stuff and meet our other family members (who arrived a day ahead us) before heading off to Universal Studios.

A big bus for a big family
This was our family's ride for the entire duration of our trip. The tourist bus was seriously too big for us that we each had our own row of seats. Hahaha! It was comfy and best of all, it was free. Who am I to complain? Aaaah the perks of traveling with family!

The obligatory photo
(Totally photobombed by my water bottle! Haha!)
The super adorable Alex! ^^
My cousin Lance
Family photo (not complete) with "Marilyn Monroe"
"V" for very tourista! Haha Photobombed again...by my cousin this time around!
A chill, kiddie ride for warm-up
Princess Fiona's castle! 
After walking around for about an hour, we decided to have lunch at the Jurassic Park food court (forgot what it's called). The food was expensive and not so stellar in taste but it was okay. The place was packed when we were there. Just merely looking at the people walking around the food court made me dizzy!!

Chicken Rice Set 
I started feeling really tired and sleepy after lunch. It was totally not a good idea to have gotten very little sleep the night before! So I got cranky (as I always would when I lack sleep...plus, the weather was really really really crazy hot) and decided to just sit and take a power nap for a few minutes while they continued to stroll around Universal Studios.

When I got back to being my normal self again, we headed on over to Sci Fi City and tried out the Transformers ride. IT WAS SO FREAKIN' AWESOME! Absolutely a MUST for all those who are going to Universal!

Mica & Bia

We went out of the theme park around 5:00 pm and had early dinner at Chili's. Yeah, I know right. We're in Singapore and they decide to eat at Chili's. Hahaha! Chili's is always good though so again, I ain't complaining. ;) 

I need my protein
An all time fave of mine! ;)

By the time we finished eating dinner, I was already so ready to go back to the hotel, take a bath, change into my PJs and sleep! But then, no, we still had one stop... I was already really cranky then, but of course, I couldn't complain. Hahaha! I was already literally dragging feet, and I'm glad I did after all.

Songs of the Sea
Little did I know that something spectacular was waiting for us! We watched "Songs of the Sea". I'm not the type of person who easily gets amazed, so believe me when I say that this was amazing. AMAZING! It was truly something special and something I've never seen. I recommend it!

After watching, we finally called it day! We headed back to the hotel and got our much needed sleep! :)    YAY!

I'll be posting about the other stuff we did in Singapore on a separate entry and will also try to blog about my past (Italy, Bangkok) and much recent (Iloilo, Cebu) travels soon. :)


Yza ;)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Before January Ends...

Before January ends, let me just greet you all (if there are even people reading this) a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) I know it's 30 days late, but it's still January so I guess that still counts. Hahaha!

"To blog regularly" was one of my birthday resolutions when I turned 22 last October. And by 'regularly', I meant at least an entry every two weeks. Cos I'd like to think that I'm a very busy person, you see. Haha! I was to able to keep it up for awhile but when the holidays came, I just got so busy with the festivities and work related events immediately after the break. But nevertheless, I'm back and determined to maintain this blog for real. *fingers crossed*

I'm currently thinking of ways to keep me excited with blogging. I'm thinking of making a weekly or monthly "segment" to keep me accountable and committed. Yes naman. Hahaha! It's surely something I'm looking forward to in the coming weeks. :)

Random babble...
I spent the New Year with an actual Kpop idol! How awesome is that? Well, I have to admit though that I really didn't know who he (and his "friends") was at first, but still took some photos with him just cos he was really nice, super cute, and duh...Korean. Little did I know that he was actually a Korean pop star who just debuted! He's not GD, they're not Big Bang, but hey, they're still celebrities! Haha

From my Instagram: yzamontealegrelee
Bottom right photo. Look at me looking all "fangirl-y" over Seulgi!
Sa lagay na yan, I had no idea who he was. What more pa kaya if I already knew who he was then? Hahaha!

Started my year with something K, so does that mean that I'll be having a K-filled year? :"> I sure do hope so!

 Crazy fangirl saying bye bye now. xx 

Friday, December 14, 2012

THE HOSTEL EXPERIENCE: Lub d Bangkok - Siam Square

สวัสดีค่ะ! I just want to share a quick post about the fun, quirky, yet still very cozy hostel my friend Nadine & I stayed in two weeks ago…Lub d Bangkok-Siam Square.

At first, I was iffy about staying in a hostel. But since I wanted to travel "independently" (spending my hard earned money), a fancy hotel was out of the question. Haha! I'm really glad Nadine suggested Lub d Bangkok-Siam Square. Upon checking their website, I was already impressed by the hostel's concept. It absolutely did not look like the other hostels I've seen online.

Though it's pricier compared with the other hostels in Bangkok, what makes this place so perfect is it's location. The National Stadium BTS is literally in front of the hostel which provides easy access to anywhere in the city. 

The view from outside our room
National Stadium BTS in front of the hostel! How convenient is that?
Photo by Nadine Postigo

Even coming to and fro the airport was a breeze & very easy on the pocket. (Airport Link City Line to Phaya Thai BTS - 45 THB, Phaya Thai to Siam to National Stadium - 20 THB) 

Detailed directions going to Lub d Bangkok-Siam Square (from Suvarnabhumi International Airport):

My once in a blue moon OC-ness being evident. Haha!

It'll be hard not to notice the famous MBK Center just right across!
Siam Paragon, Siam Discovery & Siam Center are just walking distance from the hostel as well. :)

Photos photos photos...

Lub d Bangkok - Siam Square's facade
Photo from Nadine Postigo

The "Green" Balcony

The "Green" Balcony

Common/Reception Area
The "sleeping traveler" made this photo more interesting, yes? Haha

A tuktuk in the lobby! 

Popcorn Machine
I never really figured if this works or not cos I tried some & it tasted like store bought kettle corn. Hahaha

More photos...

We stayed on the 4th, Econo Twin

Nadine's side of room
Photo by Nadine Postigo

My side of the room
If I may just say, the bed was really comfy! I slept like a baby! Haha
Towels were also provided for in our room category.
For those who are staying in the dormitories, you'll have to pay a minimal amount for it. :)

Isn't this the cutest? ^^

An alarm clock, a personal reading light and universal sockets by the bed!
No need to worry about charging up your gadgets! :)

The blanket was really comfy & warm. :)

I love how they pay attention to detail!
Photo by Nadine Postigo

Dual purpose mural on the bedroom wall
I think this a map to a famous Thai chicken & rice place.

Phone, personal mirror & an iPod dock/alarm clock. Yay!

Me & my nasty looking hair getting all settled in
Photo by Nadine Postigo

Lub d Bangkok-Siam Square's friendly staff

Clean, modern & colorful

Heading on to the theater now
Photo by Nadine Postigo

We got the theater all to ourselves! 

Instructions instructions

Looking at some DVDs
Photo by Nadine Postigo


Freaky but still adorbs!
Photo by Nadine Postigo

Aaaah so comfy!

I think this was a Korean MV

Just chillin. Hahaha!

Rooms were nicely furnished & sleek looking, staff were always nice & helpful, they have free wifi and computers at the common area for guest use. They also host fun activities throughout the week. (Free snacks on Thurdays, Pub Crawl on Fridays, City Stroll on Sundays, and special activities during holidays)

Lub d's activity board
Thailand was about to celebrate Loy Krathong when we got there, so we got to join the hostel's festivities. ^^ (Will be making a separate post on that.)

In my opinion, Lub d's near perfect. I only wish they had a lift. It was such a struggle for a small girl like me to carry my luggage four floors up, and it was even more difficult bringing it down considering the amount of shopping loot we got during our stay in Bangkok. But even so, I still highly recommend this hostel especially to friends who are up to do some serious shopping! Lub d Bangkok-Siam Square's the place for you! :) I'm definitely going back!